Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/9cpyu
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Save the date and join us on 2.4.23 for a GradNation Summit. See the flyer for more information. https://bit.ly/3F68pvq -------------------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: Reserve la fecha y únase a nosotros el 2.4.23 para una reunion de GradNation. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. https://bit.ly/3F68pvq
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Atencion padre/guardián de estudiantes en enriquecimiento de ASES y SHINE...Los Programas de Educación y Seguridad Después de la Escuela (ASES) y los Programas de Enriquecimiento SHINE se cancelan el miércoles 21 de diciembre de 2022 debido a el entrenamiento para todos los empleados esa tarde. Planee hacer arreglos para que su hijo/hija sea recogido a la salida del día escolar regular el 21 de diciembre de 2022. Gracias. Empleados del programa aprendizaje ampliado
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Attention Parent/Guardian of ASES and SHINE Enrichment Students...The After School Education and Safety (ASES) and the SHINE Enrichment Programs are canceled on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 due to staff development training for all Expanded Day Learning staff that afternoon. Plan to make arrangements for your son/daughter to be picked up at dismissal from the regular school day on December 21, 2022. Thank you. Expanded Learning Day Staff
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
6th Grade Circle of Friends was fun today...thank you Mrs. Alvarez-Rice! If you are interested in your child being a part of this program, please call the school. #greenjhs @EOGreenHornets #hesdpride @HuenemeElemSD @cofinclusion @circleofriends circleofriends.org
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Los invitamos como miembro de nuestra comunidad escolar a seguirnos en las redes sociales. También puede ver esta información en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. https://green.hueneme.org/ Damos la bienvenida a la comunicación directa con nuestros socios y lo alentamos a que llame a la oficina de nuestra escuela al 805-986-8750 si tiene preguntas. Gracias por SER SIEMPRE un ciudadano digital responsable y estar atento a lo que publicas. Como siempre, agradecemos su apoyo. https://bit.ly/3Webr8H
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: We invite you as a member of our school community to follow us on social media. You can also see this information on our school website. https://green.hueneme.org/ We welcome direct communication with our partners and encourage you to call our school office at 805-986-8750 should you have questions. Thank you for ALWAYS BEING a responsible digital citizen and being mindful of what you post. As always, we appreciate your support. https://bit.ly/3Webr8H
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: 6th grade dismisses at 1:20pm due to the second week of conferences. 7th/8th grade dismisses at 2:30pm. Wed dismissal is always at 1pm for all grades. ------------------------------- Actualización de Hornet Hive: El 6to grado sale a la 1:20 pm debido a la segunda semana de conferencias. Los grados 7 y 8 salen a las 2:30 pm. La salida del miércoles es siempre a la 1pm para todos los grados.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/s806j
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Here is the dismissal schedule for conferences: 6th Grade, Two Weeks 11/28/22 - 12/9/22 Dismissal 1:20 PM , Wednesday’s Dismissal is at 1:00 PM 7/8th Grade One Week 11/28/22-12/2/22 - Dismissal at 1:45 PM, Wednesday’s Dismissal is at 1:00 PM Visit our school website to learn more about conferences.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Here is the dismissal schedule for conferences: 6th Grade, Two Weeks 11/28/22 - 12/9/22 Dismissal 1:20 PM , Wednesday’s Dismissal is at 1:00 PM 7/8th Grade One Week 11/28/22-12/2/22 - Dismissal at 1:45 PM, Wednesday’s Dismissal is at 1:00 PM Visit our school website to learn more about conferences.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Classes resume on Monday, Nov 28. Click here for schedule details: https://bit.ly/3AcyK9x 6th Grade will be dismissed at 1:20pm and 7th/8th will be dismissed at 1:45pm. Wednesday dismissal is always at 1pm.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Visit the attached link for this week’s bulletin. Thank you! https://www.smore.com/fnxuc
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Classes resume on Monday, Nov 28. Click here for schedule details: https://bit.ly/3AcyK9x 6th Grade will be dismissed at 1:20pm and 7th/8th will be dismissed at 1:45pm. Wednesday dismissal is always at 1pm.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Learning about lenses in the eye in 8th grade science class by dissecting a sheep’s eye!
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Tomorrow Nov 18, dismissal is at 1pm. We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday from Nov 21-Nov 25. Parent conferences begin on Nov 28, click here for schedule details: https://bit.ly/3AcyK9x 6th Grade will be dismissed at 1:20pm and 7th/8th will be dismissed at 1:45pm. Wednesday dismissal is always at 1pm.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Friday, November 18th is a minimum day for students. Dismissal is at 1pm. Be punctual as the afternoon is reserved for teacher professional development. -----------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: El viernes 18 de noviembre es un día mínimo para los estudiantes. La salida es a la 1pm. Sea puntual ya que la tarde está reservada para el desarrollo profesional de los maestros.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: After school enrichment class program for Session 1 ends on November 17, 2022, as Friday, November 18 is a professional learning day for all expanded learning day staff. Dance, Mariachi and School Musical will be able to participate in enrichment during the parent conference weeks of Nov. 28 - Dec. 9, 2022. http://bit.ly/3AeC1Fq
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Hornet Hive Update: Friday, November 18th is a minimum day for students. Dismissal is at 1pm. Be punctual as the afternoon is reserved for teacher professional development. -----------------Actualización de Hornet Hive: El viernes 18 de noviembre es un día mínimo para los estudiantes. La salida es a la 1pm. Sea puntual ya que la tarde está reservada para el desarrollo profesional de los maestros.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High
Actualización de Hornet Hive: Aproveche esta gran oportunidad de participar una presentacion en español el lunes 14 de noviembre a las 9:45am o a las 6pm. Debe asistir a la hora más conveniente. Todas familias son bienvenidas. Preparense para las conferencias aprendiendo que hacer antes, durante y despues de la reunion con la maestra de tu hija. Los estudiantes recibirán un brazalete para un día de vestimenta libre sin uniforme el martes 15 de noviembre para la participación de los padres.
about 2 years ago, Green Junior High