Actualización de la escuela Green: Estimadas familias, recuerden que los exámenes estatales CAASPP comienzan esta semana para los grados 7 y 8. El 6º grado tendrá conferencias de padres esta semana. Todas los grados, 6o, 7o y 8o, tendrán salida temprana de 1 PM todos los días de esta semana, con la excepción del viernes, que será un día escolar regular. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Dear Green JHS families please remember that CAASPP testing begins this week for grades 7 and 8. 6th grade will be holding Parent Conferences this week. All grades will have 1 PM early dismissal every day this week with the exception of Friday which will be a regular school day. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Dear Green JHS parents, in order to ensure that your student will receive a 2019 yearbook this spring, choose one of two easy payment methods. Return your child's order form and payment ($20 cash only) to the school office OR order online at and enter the code 13982 ______________________________ Actualización de la Escuela Green: Estimados padres de Green JHS, para garantizar que su estudiante reciba un anuario de 2019 esta primavera, elija uno de los dos métodos de pago fáciles. Devuelva el formulario de pedido y el pago de su hijo (solo $ 20 en efectivo) a la oficina de la escuela o haga su pedido en línea en e ingrese el código 13982
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Dear Green JHS families, you are cordially invited to our next Coffee with the Principal on Tuesday, May 7, 2019. It will take place at 9:30 am in the multipurpose room 43. Mrs. Tapia, the English Learner Support Teacher, will discuss-Falling in love with reading -HESD Reclassification Criteria and -English Language Proficiency Assessment of CA WE HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US! #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualización de la escuela Green: Estimadas familias de Green JHS, los invitamos cordialmente a nuestro próximo Café con la Directora el martes 7 de mayo, 2019. Se llevará a cabo a las 9:30 am en el salón 43. La Sra. Tapia, maestra de apoyo para estudiantes de inglés, discutirá -enamorarse de la lectura -HESD Criterios de reclasificación y -Evaluación del dominio del idioma inglés de CA ¡ESPERAMOS QUE PUEDA UNIRSE A NOSOTROS!
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: All students with a 3.0 GPA or above and a signed report card have earned a non-uniform dress day on Monday. Congrats to our #GreenJHS Scholars! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
It's clear that reading is important and loved in this class! Ms. Lapper inspires her students through reading challenges, journaling, and book recommendations. #hesdpride #greenjhs #literacyplc
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Reading wall
Mrs.Davis's students did an outstanding job hosting a Cinco De Mayo Party for our amazing supervisors! #hesdpride #bettertogether #cincodemayo
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Cinco De Mayo Party
Hornet Hive Update: Dear Green JHS parents, in order to ensure that your student will receive a 2019 yearbook this spring, choose one of two easy payment methods. Return your child's order form and payment ($20 cash only) to the school office OR order online at and enter the code 13982 ______________________________ Actualización de la Escuela Green: Estimados padres de Green JHS, para garantizar que su estudiante reciba un anuario de 2019 esta primavera, elija uno de los dos métodos de pago fáciles. Devuelva el formulario de pedido y el pago de su hijo (solo $ 20 en efectivo) a la oficina de la escuela o haga su pedido en línea en e ingrese el código 13982
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualización de La Escuela Green: Nuestra inscripción está actualmente llena para la Escuela del Sábado de mañana (04/27). No podremos registrar estudiantes adicionales en la puerta mañana por la mañana. Esperamos verlos a todos ustedes que ya se han registrado a las 8 am mañana. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Our enrollment is currently full for tomorrow's (04/27) Saturday School. We will be unable to register additional students at the door tomorrow morning. We look forward to seeing all of you who have already registered at 8 am tomorrow morning. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Actualización: Recordatorio amistoso de que el viernes 19 de abril será una salida temprana a la 1 pm debido al desarrollo profesional de los maestros. Por favor haga arreglos para que sus estudiantes sean recogidos en ese momento. Gracias. #GreenJHS
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Friendly reminder that Friday April 19th will be an early dismissal of 1pm due to teacher professional development. Please make arrangements to have your students picked up at that time. Thank you. #GreenJHS
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Estimadas Familias de la escuela Green, Channel Islands (CA) Chapter los invita a un taller gratuito para padres y alumnos sobre preparación para el colegio o la universidad. Los temas serán sobre sciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, artes, y matemáticas. El evento se llevará acabo el 13 de abril en la biblioteca pública de Oxnard de 2:00pm a 4:00 pm en el 251 Sur Calle A, Oxnard, CA. Esperamos no se pierdan esta oportunidad. #GreenJHS
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Dear Green JHS Families, The Channel Islands (CA) Chapter invites you to their free college preparation workshop for parents and students grades 6th-9th on April 13th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Oxnard Public Library at 215 South A Street, Oxnard, CA. The topics will focus on STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Don’t pass up this great opportunity! #GreenJHS
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Families, are you looking for something to do over the break? Please check out the upcoming College Preparation Workshop sponsored by the Channel Islands Chapter Links, Inc. The workshop will be held on April 13, 2019, at Oxnard Public Library, 251 South A Street, Oxnard, CA. LINK to Flyer:
almost 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Check out the makings of a strong classroom reading community in Mrs. Thorpe's room! #GreenJHS
almost 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Themed Classroom Library
Posted Reading List
Hornet Hive Update: Please join us tomorrow (03/26) from 4:45pm-6:00pm for #GreenJHS Spring Open House. There will be pizza for sale, performances from cheer, dance, and band, and department presentations. We can't wait to see you there! #hesdpride #hornetpride #openhouse
almost 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Green JHS Spring Open House Flyer
Way to go Blackstock and Green Math Olympiads on your amazing math skills! You all did amazing! We are grateful for Gate Program Coordinator Ms. Delgado, and Math Olympiads advisors Ms. Maxwell and Ms. Mojica-Smith! 📚✏️➕➖➗✖️✔️🧮📏📐 #GreenJHS #HESDpride
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Math Olympiads!
Students proudly presented on their Then and Now Convention projects, Amazon, Google, Nintendo, France and so much more! A big thank you to Ms. Fornoles and Ms. Ring for putting on such a great event! #GreenJHS #HESDpride
almost 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Then and Now Convention!