#GreenJHS's first play, Sleeping Beauty, was magnificent! We have some incredibly talented kiddos! We couldn't be prouder of them and their dedicated advisors, Ms. Xayaphone and Mrs. Davis. #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
cast of Sleeping Beauty
Set and Prop Crew
Recordatorio amistoso: Están cordialmente invitados a reconocer a nuestros alumnos de la escuela Green que cumplieron con requisitos de Reclasificación. Estos reconocimientos ocurrirán mañana viernes 14 de junio, 2019 en el salón 43. Esperamos verlos aquí. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Students who attend the #GreenJHS play Sleeping Beauty on either Thursday or Friday will receive a FREE DRESS bracelet for the following day! ADMISSION IS FREE. See green.hueneme.org for details.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: ASB will be collecting uniforms to replenish the school's supply of Loaner Uniforms. Students are encouraged to bring in at least two clean and gently worn uniform items per day on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. For each two items, students will receive a wristband allowing them free dress for one day. Donations will be turned in in front of the main office beginning at 7:40 am each morning. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Familias de la escuela #GreenJHS, están invitados a la ceremonia de reclasificación este viernes, 14 de junio a las 8:15 de la mañana en el salón 43. Esperamos verlos ahí.
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Green JHS Theatre Club presents, Sleeping Beauty this Thursday and Friday. This play will be a magical experience for all ages and admission is FREE! We can't wait to see you there. #GreenJHS #HESDPride
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Sleeping Beauty Flyer
Hornet Hive Update: Early dismissal at 1:00pm on Monday, June 10th and Friday, June 14th for staff professional development. Salida temprano el dia lunes 10 de junio y viernes 14 de junio a la 1:00pm. Dia de entrenamiento para los maestros.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
#GreenJHS Families, please join us for Green JHS's first annual production of Sleeping Beauty! Our theater club has created a magical experience for all ages to enjoy. We'll see you there! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Sleeping Beauty Flyer
Hornet Hive Update: On Monday, June 9th all students will be dismissed at 1pm. Please plan accordingly. Let's make it a great week, Hornets! #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Check out these photos from Mr. Lopez's class field trip to the VC Innovates STEM Lab! #GreenJHS #HESDPride #STEM #STEAM
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
VC Innovates STEM Lab Field Trip
VC Innovates STEM Lab Field Trip
VC Innovates STEM Lab Field Trip
Actualización de la escuela Green: Desafortunadamente, debido al apagón de electricidad, no pudimos entregar cartas de promoción para los estudiantes en la Lista de Restricion/Probacion de Promoción. Las cartas serán entregadas a los estudiantes mañana. Si su estudiante NO estaba en la Lista de Restricion/Probacion, felicidades él o ella si promoveran, siempre que sigan cumpliendo con los criterios de la Promoción. #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Unfortunately, due to the power outage, we were unable to hand out promotion letters for students on the Promotion Probation List. They will be handed out to students tomorrow. If your student was NOT on the Probation List, congratulations he or she is promoting, provided they continue to adhere to the Promotion criteria. #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Today's fire alarm triggered due to a neighborhood power outage. #GreenJHS students and teachers handled the unexpected power outage with flexibility and grace. Thank you all and have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Glover
Actualización de la escuela Green: Estimados padres y estudiantes de 8º grado, están invitados a una presentación sobre las expectativas de la escuela secundaria (High School)?realizada por el Entrenador y Profesor de la Preparatoria, Sr. Moody, el martes 4 de junio a las 5PM en la cafetería de la escuela. Esperamos verte allí estudiantes de 8vo grado!
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Dear 8th grade parents and students, you are invited to a presentation on high school expectations put on by High School Teacher and Coach, Mr. Moody, on Tuesday June 4th at 5PM in the school cafetería. We hope to see you there 8th graders!
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualización de la escuela Green : Recordatorio amistoso de que tendremos nuestra última escuela sábatina del año escolar este sábado 1 de junio. Asegúrese de enviar su hoja de permiso firmada a la oficina mañana. La asistencia a esta escuela sabatina es especialmente importante para los estudiantes de 8º grado con ausencias injustificadas que se encuentran en la lista condicional de promoción. #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Friendly reminder that we’re having our last Saturday School for the year this Saturday, June 1st. Please be sure to submit your signed permission slip to the office tomorrow. Attendance at this Saturday school is especially important for 8th grade students with unexcused absences that are on the promotion probation list. #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualizacion de la escuela Green: Atención padres de 8vo grado: Por favor pida a su que su estudiante recoja las fotos de la promoción en la oficina. Si las fotografias no se recogen antes del lunes 20 de mayo, se devolverán a la compania Lifetouch. Muchas gracias. #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Update: Attention 8th grade Parents: Please have your student pick up Promotion pictures at the office. If pictures are not picked up by Monday, May 20th they will be returned to Lifetouch. Thank you much! #Green JHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Actualización de la escuela Green: Recordatorio amistoso de que Green JHS tendrá su próxima escuela sabatina este sábado, 18 de mayo de 8 a.m. a 12:15 p.m. Asegúrese de que su alumno se registre para aclarar una ausencia de su archivo. Esto es especialmente importante para los estudiantes del 8º grado para poder participar en la promoción(miren el criterio para promocion). Pueden recoger su hoja de permiso de escuela sabatina en la oficina principal. #GreenJHS
over 5 years ago, Marisol Guillen